

  1. Sengupta, P. & Shanahan, M.-C. (2017). Boundary Play and Pivots in Public Computation: New Directions in STEM Education. International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 33 (3), pp. 1124–1134.
  2. Sengupta, P., & Shanahan, M.C. (2017). Open Science,Public Engagement and the University. Paper commissioned by the NSF-NIH conference on Imagining Tomorrow’s Universities, Chicago, IL.


  1. Farris, A.V., Dickes, A.C., & Sengupta, P. (2016).Development of Disciplined Interpretation Using ComputationalModeling in the Elementary Science Classroom. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2016).
  2. Sengupta, P., & Shanahan, M.C. (2016). STEM as Public Computation and Boundary Play. In: Proceedings of the STEM 2016 Conference, Beijing, China.
  3. Sengupta, P., & Clark, D. (2016). Playing Modeling Games in the Science Classroom: The Case for Disciplinary Integration. Educational Technology, 56 (3), 16 – 22.
  4. Dickes, A., Sengupta, P., Farris, A.V., & Basu, S. (In press). Development of Mechanistic Reasoning and Multi-level Explanations in 3rd Grade Biology Using Multi-Agent Based Models. Science Education.
  5. Farris, A.V., & Sengupta, P. (2016). Democratizing Children’s Computation: Learning Computational Science as Aesthetic Experience. Educational Theory, 66(1-2), pp 279-296.
  6. Clark, D. B., Virk, S., Sengupta, P., Brady, C., Martinez-Garza, M., Krinks, K., Killingsworth, S., Kinnebrew, J., Biswas, G., Barnes, J., Minstrell, J., Nelson, B., Slack, K., & D’Angelo, C. (2016). SURGE’s evolution deeper into formal representations: The siren’s call of popular game-play mechanics. International Journal of Designs for Learning. 7(1).
  7. Sengupta, P., & Clark, D. B. (In press). Playing Modeling Games in the Science Classroom: The Case for Disciplinary Integration. Educational Technology.
  8. Sengupta, P., & Wilensky, U. (2016 / In press). Understanding Electric Current Using Agent-Based Models: Connecting the Micro-level with Flow Rate. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2016).


  1. Sengupta, P., Krinks, K. D., & Clark, D. B. (2015). Learning to deflect: Conceptual change in physics during digital gameplay. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 24(4), 638-674.
  2. Virk, S., Clark, D., & Sengupta, P. (2015). Digital Games as Multirepresentational Environments for Science Learning: Implications forTheory, Research, and Design. Educational Psychologist, 50 (4), 284 – 312.
  3. Sengupta, P., Dickes, A.C., Farris, A.V., Karan, A., & Martin, D. (2015). Programming in K12 Science Classrooms. Communications of the ACM, 58(11),33-35.
  4. Sengupta, P., Krishnan, G., Wright, M., & Ghassoul, C. (2015). Mathematical Machines & Integrated STEM: An Intersubjective Constructionist Approach. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 510, 272-288.
  5. Clark, D. B., Sengupta, P., Brady, C., Martinez-Garza, M., & Killingsworth, S. (2015). Disciplinary Integration in Digital Games for Science Learning. International Journal of STEM Education, 3(2).
  6. Basu, S., Sengupta, P., & Biswas, G. (2015). A scaffolding framework to support learning of emergent phenomena using multi-agent based simulation environments. Research in Science Education, 45(2), 293-324.


  1. Wright, M., & Sengupta, P. (2014). Modeling Oligarchs' Campaign Donations and Ideological Preferences withSimulated Agent-Based Spatial Elections. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulations.
  2. Basu, S., Dukeman, A., Kinnebrew, J., Biswas, G., & Sengupta, P. (2014). Investigating student generated computational models of science. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (pp. 1097-1101). Boulder, CO, USA.
  3. Farris, A.V., & Sengupta, P. (2014). Perspectival Computational Thinking for Learning Physics: A Case Study of Collaborative Agent-based Modeling. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. (ICLS 2014), pp 1102 - 1107.


  1. Sengupta, P., Kinnebrew, J., Basu, S., Biswas, G., and Clark, D. (2013). Integrating Computational Thinking with K12 Science Education Using Agent-Based Computation: A Theoretical Framework. Education & Information Technologies, 18(2), 351-380.
  2. Farris, A.V., & Sengupta, P. (2013). On the Aesthetics of Children's Computational Modeling for Learning Science. ACM Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2013), pp 479 – 482.
  3. Clark, D. B., & Sengupta, P. (2013). Argumentation and modeling: Integrating the products and practices of scienceto improve science education. In M. Khine & I. Saleh (Eds.), Approaches and Strategies in Next Generation Science Learning (pp. 85-105). Hershey, PA: IGI Global/Information Science References. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2809-0.ch005.
  4. Basu, S., Dickes, A., Kinnebrew, J.S., Sengupta, P., & Biswas, G. (2013). CTSiM: A Computational Thinking Environment for Learning Science through Simulation and Modeling. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (pp. 369-378).
  5. Clark, D. B., Killingsworth, S., Martinez-Garza, M., Van Eaton, G., Biswas, G., Kinnebrew, J., Sengupta, P., Krinks, K., Adams, D., Zhang, H., & Hughes, J. (2013). Digital Games and Science Learning: Design Principles and Processes to Augment Commercial Game Design Conventions. Full Workshop Paper for the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2013). Memphis, TN.
  6. Dickes, A., & Sengupta, P. (2013). Learning Natural Selection in 4th Grade with Multi-Agent-Based Computational Models. Research in Science Education, 43(3), 921-953.


  1. Sengupta, P., Farris, A.V., & Wright, M. (2012). From Agents to Continuous Change via Aesthetics: Learning Mechanics with Visual Agent-based Computational Modeling. Technology, Knowledge & Learning. Vol. 17 (1 -2), pp 23 - 42.
  2. Sengupta, P., & Farris, A.V. (2012). Learning Kinematics in Elementary Grades Using Agent-based Computational Modeling: A Visual Programming Based Approach. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Interaction Design & Children, pp 78- 87.
  3. Sengupta, P., Kinnebrew, J., Biswas, G., and Clark, D. (2012). Integrating Computational Thinking with K12 Science Education: A Theoretical Framework. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Vol 2, pp 40 - 49.
  4. Rapp, D.N., & Sengupta, P. (2012). Models and modeling in science learning. In N.M. Seel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning (pp. 2320-2322). New York, NY: Springer.
  5. Basu, S., Kinnebrew, J., Dickes, A., Farris, A.V., Sengupta, P., Winger, J., & Biswas, G. (2012). A Science Learning Environment using a Computational Thinking Approach. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education. Singapore.
  6. Krishnan, G., Sengupta, P., Dickes, A., & Farris, A.V. (2012). On the Mutuality of Agents and their Environments: Learning Ecology by Designing Robots and their Habitats in Elementary Grades. Poster accepted for presentation at the Annual Conference of American Educational Researchers Association (AERA 2012), Vancouver, British Columbia, CA.
  7. Sengupta, P, & Winger-Bearskin, A. (2012). Re-imagining Children's Computing As Performance Art: Theoretical and Empirical Explorations in Children’s Learning of Physics via Aesthetic Computing. Paper accepted for presentation at the Third International Conference of the Image, Poznań, Poland, Sep, 14-16.
  8. Clark, D. B., & Sengupta, P. (Accepted). Argumentation and modeling: Integrating the products and practices of science to improve science education. In I. M. Saleh and M. S. Khine (Eds.), Next Generation Learning Science: Reform, Research and Results. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
  9. Clark, D. B., Martinez-Garza, M., Biswas, G., Luecht, R. M., & Sengupta, P. (in press). Driving Assessment Of Students’ Explanations in Game Dialog Using Computer-Adaptive Testing and Hidden Markov Modeling. In D. Ifenthaler, D. Eseryel, & G. Xun (Eds.). Game-based Learning: Foundations, Innovations, and Perspectives. New York: Springer.
  10. Krinks, K, & Sengupta, P. (2012) Rethinking Expertise in Physics: An Investigation of Expertise in High School Physics Teachers. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Conference of National Association of Research on Science Teaching (NARST 2012), Indianapolis, IN.
  11. Dickes, A., Sengupta, P., & Krishnan, G. (2012). Learning Ecology in a 3rd Grade Classroom Using Design-based Learning: An Embodied Modeling Approach. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Conference of National Association of Research on Science Teaching (NARST 2012), Indianapolis, IN.
  12. Krishnan, G., Sengupta, P., Dickes, A., & Farris, A.V. (2012).On Learning Ecology In Elementary Grades By Designing Robotic Animals And Their Habitats. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Conference of National Association of Research on Science Teaching (NARST 2012), Indianapolis, IN.


  1. Sengupta, P. (2011). Design Principles for a Visual Programming Language to Integrate Agent-based modeling in K-12 Science. In: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Complex Systems (ICCS 2011), pp 1636 - 1637.
  2. Basu, S., Biswas, G., & Sengupta, P. (2011). Scaffolding to Support Learning of Ecology in Simulation Environments. In: Biswas, G., & Bull, S. (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, AIED 2011 (Vol. 6738/2011, pp. 417-419).
  3. Sengupta, P., & Wilensky, U. (2011). Lowering the Learning Threshold: Multi-agent-Based Models and Learning Electricity. In Khine, M.S., & Saleh, I.M (Eds.). Dynamic Modeling: Cognitive Tool for Scientific Inquiry, pp 141 - 171. Springer, New York, NY.
  4. Sengupta, P. (2011). Models, Modeling, and Naïve Intuitive Knowledge in Science Learning. Symposium organized at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Berkeley, CA.
  5. Sengupta, P. (2011). Learning Electromagnetism with ElectroHub - A Digital Game Based on Participatory Simulations. In “Digital Games and Science Learning”, Clark, D. (Org.). Invited paper session at the Annual Conference of National Association of Research on Science Teaching (NARST 2011).
  6. Dickes, A., & Sengupta, P. (2011). Learning Natural Selection in 4th Grade With Multi-Agent-Based Computational Models. In Sengupta, P. (Chair), & Hall, R. (Discussant). Models, Modeling, and Naïve Intuitive Knowledge in Science Learning. Symposium presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Berkeley, CA.
  7. Sengupta, P. (2011). Principles for Designing a Visual Programming Language to Integrate Agent-based modeling in K-12 Science. Paper presented at SwarmFest 2011.


  1. Sengupta, P. (2010). The Role of Perceptual Signatures and Agent-Level Mechanisms in Understanding Emergence: An Example in Learning Electricity. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS 2010).
  2. Sengupta, P. (2010). Learning Electricity in Middle Grades with Agent-based Computer Models. Poster Accepted for Presentation at the 2010 Annual Conference of International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE 2010). Denver, Co.
  3. Sengupta, P. (2010). On The Cognitive Implications of Designing A Multi-Agent Models-based Computational Learning Environment in Electricity (NIELS) Based on Intuitive, Agent-level Mechanisms. Poster Accepted for Presentation at Annual Conference of National Association of Research on Science Teaching (NARST 2010), Philadelphia, PA.
  4. Sengupta, P., & Wilensky, U. (2010). Intuitive Mechanisms, Agent-Based Models and learning Physics. Poster presented at the 2010 Annual Conference of Games, Learning and Society. Madison, WI.


  1. Sengupta, P., & Banerjee, P. (2009). Leveraging informality to engender productive epistemological shifts: A Case Study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA 2009), San Diego, CA.
  2. Sengupta, P., & Wilensky, U. (2009). Learning electricity with NIELS: Thinking with electrons and thinking in levels. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, 14(1), 21-50.
  3. Clark, D. B., Nelson, B., Sengupta, P., D’Angelo, C. M. (2009). Rethinking Science Learning Through Digital Games and Simulations: Genres, Examples, and Evidence. Invited Topic Paper in the Proceedings of The National Academies Board on Science Education Workshop on Learning Science: Computer Games, Simulations, and Education. Washington, D.C.


  1. Sengupta, P., & Wilensky, U. (2008, March). Designing across ages: On the low-threshold-high-ceiling nature of NetLogo-based learning environments. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
  2. Sengupta, P., & Wilensky, U. (2008, March). On the representational and epistemological affordances of NetLogo-based science curricula. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.
  3. Sengupta, P., & Wilensky, U. (2008). Learning activities as tools for formative assessment - Case study of a computational multi-agent based electricity curriculum (NIELS: NetLogo Investigations In Electromagnetism). In G. Kanselaar, J. van Merriëboer, P. Kirschner & T. de Jong (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences, ICLS2008 (Vol. 3, pp. 383-391). Utrecht, The Netherlands: ISLS.
  4. Sengupta, P., & Wilensky, U. (2008). On learning electricity in 7th grade with multi-agent based computational models (NIELS). In G. Kanselaar, J. van Merriëboer, P. Kirschner & T. de Jong (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences, ICLS2008 (Vol. 3, pp. 123-125). Utrecht, The Netherlands: ISLS.
  5. Sengupta, P., & Wilensky, U. (2008). On the learnability of electricity as a complex system. In G. Kanselaar, J. van Merriëboer, P. Kirschner & T. de Jong (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference for the Learning Sciences, ICLS2008 (Vol. 3, pp. 258-264). Utrecht, The Netherlands: ISLS.
  6. Wilkerson-Jerde, M., Sengupta, P., & Wilensky, U. (2008). Perceptual supports for sense-making: A case study using multi-agent based computational learning environments. In G. Kanselaar, J. van Merriënboer, P. Kirschner & T. de Jong (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference for the Learning Sciences, ICLS2008 (Vol. 3, pp. 151-152). Utrecht, The Netherlands: ISLS.


  1. Sengupta, P., Wilkerson, M. & Wilensky, U. (2007). On The Relationship Between Spatial Knowledge And Learning Electricity: Comparative Case Studies of Students Using 2D And 3D Emergent, Computational Learning Environments. Paper presented at the 2007 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 9-13.


  1. Chen, B., Sengupta, P., Halperin, W. P., Sigmund, E. E., Mitrovi´c V. V., Lee, M. H., Kang, K. H., Mean, B. J., Kim, J.Y., & Cho, B.K. (2006). Anisotropy and penetration depth of MgB2 from 11B NMR. New Journal of Physics. Vol. 8 pp 274.
  2. Sengupta, P. & Wilensky, U. (2006) NIELS: An agent-based modeling environment for learning electromagnetism. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.


  1. Sengupta, P. & Wilensky, U. (2005). N.I.E.L.S: An emergent multi-agent based modeling environment for learning physics. Paper presented at the 4th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2005), Utrecht, Netherlands.